The Coat Hanger Jig. Is a low-cost design innovation that makes wire coathangers. It consists of a hardened steel necking and hook rolling tool and a base with pins sticking up. The jig is simple and easy to use - the production rate is typically 300-500 per day, with a 700 unit maximum for one person (from experience in South Africa). You can use 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm wire. Models using 3.15 mm wire are available. From 50 kg of 2.0 mm wire you can make 1830 coat hangers, or 1150 using 50 Kg of 2.5 mm wire. You can make two kinds of standard 400 mm wide coat hangers or a skirt hanger using the same jig.

Coat Hangers can be made from plain, galvanized, plastic coated or varnished wire.  Approximately 1150 can be made from 50 Kg of 2.5 mm galvanized wire. Approximately 1830 can be made from 50 Kg of 2.0 mm galvanized wire.